Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dispatch from the Grasshopper

Let me first introduce myself. My name is Dan. I'm a second semester senior from New Jersey and I will be joining the Battalion as a Bear next year. I will be chronicling my impressions of ROTC as a fresh grasshopper. It's a chance for you veterans to read and reminisce and for you newbies like me to share the burden. I enjoy being with friends, good food, blues guitar, and of course long walks on the beach and unicorns.


  1. Well, for what St. Louis lacks in beaches, it makes up for in unicorns. Keep us updated.

  2. Very true, we do have a unicorn surplus. In fact, St. Louis has been known to employ Gateway Cadets to control the unicorn population. This practice involves young cadets hunting in the shrubs of Forest Park on Thursday nights. Conveniently, imaginary creatures are vulnerable to imaginary guns, which do not harm average park goers. Sometimes, if the citizens of St. Louis listen close enough, they can hear Gateway Cadets yelling "bang," "bang," "bang" as they fire at the enemies no one can see. (P.S. If you do not find humor in this now, Dan, you may after your first STX Lane.)
